Modeling the Effect of Coaches Leadership styles on athletes Satisfaction in Iranian Track and field Pro League

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor, department of sport science, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Sport expert of oil company


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Coaches Leadership styles on athletes Satisfaction
In Iranian Track and field Pro League. For this purpose Chelladurai & Saleh leadership in sport Scale (1980) and Rimer & Chelladurai (1998) athletes Satisfaction questionnaires were used. Statistical Society of the study includes Athletes in Iranian track and field Premier League Consists of 224 athletes that 144 Person According to Morgan, using simple random sampling Selected as a Statistical sample of the research. To analyze the data and identify the effects of research variables, Structural equation modeling by using LISER 8.8 Software was used. The Findings showed that, the effect of training and instruction (=β0.45, t=3.22) and Autocratic (=β -0.46, t= -2.23) leadership styles on athletes Satisfaction has a significant effect. The Findings, moreover, showed that the effect of democratic (=β0.36, t=0.94), social support (=β -0.52, t= -0.66), and positive feedback (=β 0.55, t= 0.80) leadership styles on athletes Satisfaction was not significant. Based on results of the research can be expressed with regard to the role of athletes satisfaction in individual success of athlete and team performance, using the appropriate leadership style to improve the athletes satisfaction is necessary from the coaches.


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