Effect of eight-week aerobic training with blood flow restriction on lipid profiles and body composition in obese adolescent boys

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physical education group, pardis faculty, Kharazmi university, Tehran, Iran

2 physical education faculty,Kharazmi university,Tehran.Iran

3 Physical education faculty,Kharazmi university , Tehran,Iran

4 Shahed Beheshti hospital,Ghorveh,Kordestan,Iran



Background and aim: In recent years, childhood obesity has been considered as a growing global problem. This is associated with several diseases such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose, various methods have been used to control and treat obesity. The aim of present study was investigate the effect of eight-week aerobic training with blood flow restriction on lipid profiles and body composition in obese adolescent boys. Material and Methods: Thirty tow obese adolescents boys, 13-16 years of age, were divided into three groups: with aerobic training (n=12) aerobic training with blood flow restriction (n=12) and control group (n=8). Both training groups participated in 8 weeks of aerobic training sessions. Each training session consisted of indoor cycling, 5 min of cycling (4 sets) with 65-85% of HRmax and 1 min rest interval between sets, three times a week. One-way analysis of variance and paired t-test at level of p


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