The Effect of Milk and Chocolate Milk Consumption on Rehydration and Endurance Performance in Futsal Players

Document Type : Original Article


1 Sport Physiology department, Faculty of physical education and sport science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Tehran university

3 Master of science in sport physiology, Faculty of physical education and sport science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of milk and Chocolate milk consumption on rehydration and endurance performance in futsal players. For this purpose, after completing the health questionnaire among eligible individuals from the Azadegan Athletic Club eight Futsal players (age 25.62 ± 1.06 years, height 175.63 ± 2.92 cm and weight 66.12 ± 4.85 kg) were randomly selected. Subjects performed three test sessions, each with a week interval in the morning. At first, the yo-yo 2 test was performed to achieve weight loss of 1.8% of body weight. Then they consumed the different recovery beverages which were separated into four equal amounts and were given to the participants every 15 minutes during the recovery period. Urine output and net fluid balance was
determined during 4 hours of recovery. They rested for three hours after drinking and in this period of time Urine output was collected. Before each Urine output NAS questionnaire was done. At the end of the recovery period a shuttle run test was done. Results of repeated measure ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test showed a significant increase in exhaustion time in chocolate milk group (p≤ 0.05), but there was not any significant difference between the milk and chocolate milk group in rehydration. As a result, it seems that chocolate milk may have an ergogenic effect on the endurance performance of futsal players.


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