Surveying the social dimension of sport organization privatization


1 associate professor, university of Esfahan

2 Msc university of Esfahan


The general aim of this study was to show the effect of privatization on the performance of private sport spaces in social dimension in Isfahan. The present study is descriptive in nature. Measuring instrument was questionnaires made by the researcher. Questionnaires of the study were distributed among the sample group who were coaches, managers and athletes of Sepahan and Gitipasand clubs. The focus was on the issue of equity and fairness in the distribution of facilities and equipments and efficiency of privatization pattern in the domain of sporting services.  Results showed that privatization of sport places and spaces have had different effects on several areas of performance. Also the opinion of participants about problems and obstacles of sport places and spaces privatization which include: Legal deficiencies in the area of privatization, lack of privatization culture development among individuals and poor economic conditions was interviewed which showed that lack of privatization regulations makes more obstacles to sport places and spaces privatization than the lack of culture privatization development and poor economic conditions.


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